We present the Healthy Parc Taulí

1024 167 Navarro Gem Blond

Coinciding with the launch of this new blog, we present what Parc Taulí Saludable is and what its main strategic lines are.

We were born in 2017, as a promoter center of the Catalan Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and the International Network Health Promoting Hospitals, and a little earlier in 2013 as a healthy company within the Healthy Business Network and the European Network for workplace health promotion.

A health promotion center implies that, in addition to its own health activities, it is actively involved in improving the health of its population; promotes health among patients, promotes health among staff, promotes health among the community; through actions, interventions, methods and recommendations aimed at preventing the most prevalent diseases and education of the population in relation to health, in order to gain knowledge and skills that allow them to improve their health, both individuals and groups collectively.

Health promotion is an integral part of public health, centered on developing appropriate social conditions for better health that facilitates a prosperous, productive and equitable society. Health promotion is based on the concept of salutogenesis and prioritizes the analysis and development of people and the population. The theory of salutogenesis is based on the fact that each person has the ability to improve their own health and quality of life; they play an active role in each person's health care and in modifying behaviors in order to develop healthy lifestyles.

Thus, we see that promoting health means going beyond the prevention of occupational hazards and monitoring their impact on the state of health. Health must be considered in a global way in its physical, mental and social aspects as a set of resources and physical and psychological capacities for daily life. Based on the fact that having a good level of health means taking personal care of yourself, it can be promoted from different social fields, one of which is the workplace.

The challenge for healthcare professionals, then, is to provide the necessary tools in health promotion to empower working patients and citizens to take care of their health.

Good health practices are grouped into 4 axes:

  • Physical activity
  • Healthy eating
  • Emotional and social well-being
  • Prevention of risk factors

And the strategic lines to follow are:

  • To spread the strategy and diffusion of the promotion of the health between the patients, workers and citizens of Sabadell.
  • Creating a health culture with the active participation of managers, workers, users, citizens and their representatives.
  • Promote the incorporation of concepts, values, strategies, standards and indicators into the organizational structure.
  • Improve health promotion skills among professionals.
  • Promotion of environmental sustainability.
  • Promote actions that increase employee satisfaction and improve the work environment.
  • Intervene in those organizational behaviors and working conditions that improve work well-being.
  • Establish a policy of personal and professional development based on skills and adaptation to the workplace.
  • Generate scientific evidence about health promotion outcomes.
  • Establish alliances with other entities.

In 2018 we received a grant from the health promotion network to promote research and we have started a line of work that consists of a training intervention that aims to focus efforts on empowering professionals to improve their self-efficacy in the care of their own health, provide practical tools to develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporate these tools into daily life.

At Parc Taulí Saludable we take care of our patients, our professionals and our community!

We also invite you to visit our website: http://www.tauli.cat/tauli/saludable

Navarro Gem Blond

Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, associate professor of Medicine at the UAB. Coordinator of the Healthy Parc Taulí and doctor of the Functional Patient Safety Unit. Interested in promoting a culture of health among patients, family, professionals and the community.

All entries by: Gema Navarro Rubio

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