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Primary Care

The Primary Care Unit is the liaison unit between the family doctor and the hospital, that is, the patient's first contact with the General and Digestive Surgery Service. It is composed by Dr. Gabriel Cánovas Moreno and Dr. Carla A. Zerpa Martín.

We work hand in hand with all the units of the General and Digestive Surgery Service, as well as with the family medical team, with whom we have close communication.

Our fundamental objective is to offer the patient comprehensive care for all surgical pathology, providing him with optimal diagnostic guidance, as well as treatment and/or referral to a subspecialist if necessary.

To fulfill this task comprehensively, we carry out:

  • Face-to-face visits: we attend to surgical pathology such as hernias, proctology, biliary pathology, among others, which are referred to the surgeon from primary care, to then be directed to the subspecialties or directly offer the appropriate treatment.
  • Ambulatory minor surgery procedures, in a small operating theater located at CUAP itself.