Incidents and complications in peritoneal dialysis

Situations in which you must immediately go to the hospital

  • Turbid peritoneal fluid appears (peritonitis), which may or may not be accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, nausea. Bring the bag to the hospital with the drained turbid liquid. If you are performing cycling treatment, do a manual swap and wait 2 hours before draining the fluid. If the fluid is cloudy, go to the hospital.
  • The prolonger is contaminated: fall of protective cap, accidental contamination during on / off. Make No Changes - You must pinch the catheter with the blue plastic clamp and go to the hospital. If you are connected to dialysis, disconnect.
  • Catheter rupture spontaneously or due to a cut, catheter deterioration, and protractor fall - You should pinch the catheter with the blue clamp, at the closest portion of the catheter to your body, and to the hospital.

Situations in which you will have to consider going to the hospital

  • Hematic peritoneal fluid (hemoperitoneum) appears, a pink peritoneal fluid (such as meat-washing water). It is worthwhile to go to the hospital if the bleeding is significant and / or is accompanied by abdominal pain and / or complete obstruction of the catheter. There are situations in which this can happen: coinciding with ovulation in women, polycystic kidneys ... It usually sends alone. Allowing fluid to flow in and out, as if washing, until the fluid is clear helps the catheter to become clogged. It can also help to do the exchanges with the fluid without heating.

  • There are changes in the appearance of the exit hole of the peritoneal catheter, such as redness around the hole, pain when touched, or suppuration around the hole. Get to the hospital if you have abdominal pain or bloating. If it is not accompanied by pain or cloudy fluid, take care as usual and contact the nephrology service to arrange an appointment and evaluate the orifice.
  • There is fluid leakage around the exit hole. There may also be a leak of fluid to the genitals. Stop the exchanges, leaving the abdomen empty.? After assessing the fluid leak in the hospital, it will be decided whether to continue cycling dialysis or to have the peritoneum rest for a while and to perform hemodialysis during that break.
  • There is little or no peritoneal drainage (constipation, fibrin, catheter displacement, etc.): if you notice that the fluid is coming out very slowly or not at all, or that there is fibrin (like egg white) floating in the peritoneal fluid, please contact the Nephrology Service. If it is restored, it will be solved by taking an X-Prep type of laxative. Increasing the bowel movement and emptying it will help the catheter to function better. Value at the next exchange. If there is fibrin, you will need to administer heparin to the dialysis fluid the way you were taught.
  • You have problems during infusion and drainage (catheter obstruction due to fibrin, constipation, etc.): if the fluid neither enters nor exits or does it with great difficulty, and fibrin can be observed in the fluid, call the Nephrology Service. Check the operation of the catheter again with another swap. If restored, take X-Prep.? If there is fibrin, add heparin to the bag. If it still persists, go to the hospital.

Situations in which it is not necessary to go to the hospital

  • If you have problems with the cycling machine. If you are at the beginning of treatment, start again. At any other point, disconnect it, write down parameters (evaluate if it is empty or full). ? Continue with manual until the day after you reconnect.