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Celebrating our 10th anniversary with open innovation
Celebrating our 10th anniversary with open innovation 1080 608 Anna Ullastres

Last December 4th Parc Taulí Innovation Unit (UDIPT) successfully celebrated the first creativity macrosession to identify the main challenges for the hospital in the next 10 years. The session was celebrated to commemorate the 10th UDIPT anniversary. The UDIPT has the mission to transform innovative ideas to marketed solutions and, hence, transform scientific and medical knowledge into economic return to benefit both health and society.

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Taby Diagnostics wins the 3rd prize of the EIT Health Cross-KIC-Business Idea Competition 2018
Taby Diagnostics wins the 3rd prize of the EIT Health Cross-KIC-Business Idea Competition 2018 1024 659 Xavier Gallego

Jointly organized by EIT Health, EIT Raw Materials, and EIT Food, the Business Idea Competition helps to improve cross-sectoral innovation performance in EIT RIS countries along the following thematic areas: 1) Food, 2) Health, and 3) Raw Materials.

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Good feelings at Healthio 2018
Good feelings at Healthio 2018 1024 660 Joaquim Campoy Rubio

The Hospital Universitari Parc Taulí has participated for the first time at the HEALTHIO event, an innovation fair held in Barcelona gathering the different stakeholders of the healthcare sector, namely patients, healthcare professionals, public sector and companies.  

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Diez años sistematizando la innovación en el Parc Taulí
Diez años sistematizando la innovación en el Parc Taulí 1080 534 Gloria Palomar Frias

Hace diez años que el Parc Taulí inició la implantación de un modelo de innovación con el objetivo de generar el cambio cultural necesario que permitiera la modernización de la institución, el avance en la resolución de problemas de forma eficiente, y la transferencia de conocimiento a la sociedad.

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